Friday, December 10, 2010

Denying the spirit of prophecy and revelation....

In Helaman's day, the church members had a problem with denying the spirit of prophecy and revelation. That made me think of the scripture that says:

Moroni 7:35

And now, my beloved brethren, if this be the case that these things are true which I have spoken unto you, and God will show unto you, with power and great glory at the last day, that they are true, and if they are true has the day of miracles ceased?

I was just wondering about how, in our day, we would deny the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Do we lack sufficient faith? Do we use the help and resources that Heavenly Father provides for His children? Is not reading the scriptures a form of denying the spirit of prophecy and revelation? Is not praying denying the same power?

Just something to think about. It reminds me of the quote that says "People who don't read have no advantage over people who can't."

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