Sunday, September 21, 2008

Heavenly Father and the Car Seat Theory

A month or so ago in church, an elder who recently returned from his mission gave this analogy in his talk:

He talked about how he was watching his sister put his two nephews in their car seats and how they didn't like it very much. In fact, the littlest one was crying and carrying on about it. He did not want to be in that seat, yet it was in his best interest that he is in the car seat.

This is how it is with our Heavenly Father. He knows what is best for us and how we can be safe. Sometimes we are in a "carseat" spiritually. Heavenly Father knows what is best for us and yet sometimes we cry and complain because it is uncomfortable. But if we weren't in the "carseat", it would be even worse for us. It may be easier and more comfortable, but it puts us in a dangerous place and is not safe.

Heavenly Father and Jesus love us more than we can imagine. They want the best for us and will do all they can to help us come back to live with Them again. Sometimes they will put us in situations that are uncomfortable or hard. These are for our best good and will help us safely make our way back to Them.