Friday, December 10, 2010


If I were going to give a one-word summary of the Book of Mormon, that word would be "remember". If I could state the greatest lesson from the Book of Mormon in one word, it would be "remember".

The Book of Mormon is a record of people that were either remembering God and the great sacrifice of Jesus and the great things They had done in helping them and preserving them in their lives or they forgot or didn't remember the importance or the necessity of these things.

That is the Book of Mormon in a nutshell: REMEMBER.

A few years back, the Young Men and Young Women in our ward did a Book of Mormon reading marathon. This is a great activity that I would highly recommend. We read the Book of Mormon in a weekend. We started on Friday after school and read until midnight. Then we got up early the next morning and read all that day and finished in the evening. It is a bit strenuous but when you are done, you really feel like you accomplished something.

It is a very interesting experience to read the Book of Mormon so quickly. You can see the themes and the stories easier. The word remember is the word that emerged from that experience. It greatly strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon and I know it had a great impact on the youth that had that experience, too.

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