Sunday, November 18, 2018

October 2018 General Conference Jeopardy

October 2018 General Conference Jeopardy

Saturday Morning Session:

1.  Since April Conference, Pres. Nelson and his wife have met with saints over this number of continents.  (What is 4?)

2.  Elder Quentin L. Cook made this historic announcement in his talk.  (What is 2 hour church schedule?)

3.  These are the 2 things Brother Brough said he learned from his Alaska trip.  (What are One, do not throw your food out the window. Two, sometimes we have to face hard things?)

4.  During an activity, this is what Elder Bangerter’s grandchildren did with the stones they wrote gospel messages on.  (What is buried them next to one another, representing a sure foundation upon which a happy life is established?)

5. This is the question one of Elder Rasband’s children asked his wife and him.  (What is “Is it still safe and wise to bring children into this seemingly wicked and frightening world we live in?”)

6.  This is the object that Elder Bednar used to talk about how the principle of gathering together in one all things in Christ applies in practical ways to learning and living His restored gospel in our daily lives.  (What is a rope with it’s strands?)

7.  Elder Oaks said that “We should not consider secular prominence or authority as qualified sources” of this.  (What is truth?)

Saturday Afternoon Session:

1.  Elder Christofferson told a story about this Old Testament prophet.  (Who is Elijah?)

2.  Bishop Dean Davies told of an experience of picking a temple sight in British Columbia with this prophet.  (Who is President Gordon B. Hinckley?)

3.  This is the Portuguese phrase that Elder Ulisses Soares used at the beginning of his message.  (What is “Boa tarde!”?)

4.  Elder Gerrit W. Gong spoke of water color painting with this former member of the quorum of the 12.  (Who is Elder Richard G. Scott?)

5.  Elder Paul B. Pieper talked about taking this.  (What is the name of Jesus Christ upon us?)

6.  Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said that discipleship begins with these three simple words.  (What is Believe, Love, Do?)

General Women’s Session

1.  Sister Joy D. Jones said that service in the church takes on new meaning when we does this.  (What is do it for Him?)

2. Sister Michelle D. Craig used the term “Divine Discontent” in her message and that term came from this apostle.  (Who is Elder Neal A. Maxwell?)

3.  When Sister Cristina B. Franco was asked if the chairs at general conference were comfortable, this was how she responded.  (What is only if you don’t have to speak?)

4.  Pres. Henry B. Eyring reminded sisters that mothers are primarily responsible for this.  (What is the nurture of their children and gospel instruction?)

5.  Pres, Dallin H. Oaks reminded us that Pres. Nelson earlier told sisters that they need to be courageous defenders of this in a sin-sick world.  (What are morality and families?)

6)  Pres. Nelson often told people this when they asked why he had become a doctor.  (What is because he couldn’t be a mother?)

Sunday Morning Session

1)  M. Russell Ballard spoke about the vision of the redemption of the dead of this prophet.  (Who is Pres. Joseph F. Smith?)

2)  This is the question a boy named David in Chile asked Sister Bonnie H. Cordon.  (What is will you talk about me in general conference?)

3)  In Elder Holland’s message on The Ministry of Reconciliation, he cautioned us that when it comes to ministering, we should just jump in and swim and not be immobilized about this.  (What is whether to do the backstroke or the doggy paddle?)

4)  Elder Shayne Bowen says that his testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith is strengthened by this.  (What is prayerfully studying the Book of Mormon?)

5)  In Elder Andersen’s message “Wounded” , he said Although the details will differ, the tragedies, the unanticipated tests and trials, both physical and spiritual, come to each of us because of this.  (What is mortality?)

6)  When President Nelson spoke about the effort to use the  Correct Name of the church,  these are two of the things he said this effort is not.  (What is  not a name change, not rebranding, not cosmetic, not a whim and not inconsequential?

Sunday Afternoon Session

1)  The name of Pres. Henry B. Eyring’s message “Try, Try, Try” is taken from this Primary song.  (What is “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus”?)

2)  Brother Brian K. Ashton invited us to trust that Heavenly Father knows how to do this.  (What is exalt us?)

3)   When Elder Robert C. Gay was pondering Pres. Nelson’s charge to use the correct name of the church, it caused him to ask himself this question.   (What is Am I taking upon myself the Savior’s name as He would have me do so?”

4)  In Elder Matthew L Carpenter’s message, he told a story of a man Jesus healed immediately that had had a debilitative illness for this number of years.  (What is 38 years?)

5)  Elder Dale G. Renlund began his message by referring to this fictional character.  (Who is Mary Poppins?)

6)  Elder Jack N. Gerard spoke of an personal story where he experienced this serious health condition.  (What is a pulmonary embolism or blood clot in his lung?)

7)  In Elder Gary Stevenson’s message on Shepherding Souls, he told of a newspaper article he saved that told a story about this type of animal.  (What is a sheepdog?)

8)  This is the name of the last message from Pres. Russell M. Nelson in the October Conference.  (What is Becoming Exemplary Latter day Saints?)