Wednesday, October 11, 2023

In praise of the earth


I don't fully comprehend all the points of the Plan of Salvation that God established for us. A major component of that plan was that He would create a place for us to have experiences, learn, grow, walk by faith and do those things God wants us to do. He went way out of His way to make such an amazing and diverse place! This post is in praise of the beautiful, diverse, and amazing planet that we get to live on while we are on our earthly journey! I can't get wrap my mind around the diversity of the world, as well as plants, animals, and everything else in between. I don't know if we needed this cool of a place to get the most out of our experience, but I'm so glad we have it! There is so much to explore: the earth, the sky, the solar system, the sea, etc. For example- Mount Timpanogos..... Everytime you look at it, it looks different depending on the light, clouds, season, etc. Just that one mountain, out of millions on the earth is just. AMAZING! The earth is AMAZING!

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