Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Martha Moment

We had Parent Teacher conferences a few nights ago for both Courtney and Ashley at two different schools. Kevin and I went and I was quite focused on getting the teachers visited so we could get to the other school in time to do the same thing before it closed. As we were walking to the gym where the conferences were, Kevin saw some acquaintances and stopped to say hi. I was a little annoyed since we had so much to do and I remember thinking, "Why does he need to stop? Why doesn't he just say hi as we walk by?" Then I heard what he said. He was talking to the father of a girl who had been diagnosed with a serious illness a couple weeks before. He was giving the father some encouragement.

There was my Martha moment. I was so intent on getting our task done that I failed to think of the needs of someone else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's something i admire in both kevin and my dad, somehow even though they are always "soooo busy" they make time for those around them. we are so lucky to have people like them in our lives!! :)