Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unfinished Tasks.....

When I was reading the Gospel doctrine lesson for last week, I was impressed by a statement about the pioneers that settled other areas after coming to the Salt Lake Valley. It really struck me because I have been perplexed about why I should feel so impressed to begin teaching again when I have so many good things I could be doing at home. I will have to look up the exact quote later in the "Our Heritage" book, but it talked about the fact that the pioneers were called by the prophets to serve missions and settle other areas and left many "unfinished tasks". That really struck me. They had things they wanted to do but they did what God wanted them to do. "Thy will, not my will." That helps me to feel better about what I am doing. I am teaching this special education class because I feel strongly that this is what Heavenly Father wants me to do. I guess I don't need to worry so much about all the unfinished tasks that I wanted to do. Maybe I will have the opportunity to do them later if I am patient.

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