Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thoughts about Abinadi

Reading in Mosiah 11, I am struck by the fact that these people are willfully rebelling against God. That is why Abinadi comes out so strongly at first in calling them to repentance. He isn't mincing words. It interesting to see that the wicked priests had a knowledge of the scriptures but then compare it with Abinadi's knowledge of the scriptures. They quote the same scriptures but when Abinadi quotes them, he breathes life and meaning into them. I was struck with the feeling of love for Christ that Abinadi has.

Here is something else I thought was interesting...
Abinadi starts out bawling them out and then he gets carried away talking about the great part Jesus Christ plays in the Plan of Salvation. I was so immersed in Mosiah 15 and 16 that I forgot it was Abinadi talking to the wicked King Noah and his wicked priests. Even though he is supposed to be telling them they had better repent or they will be in big trouble, He starts talking about the love of Christ. Even the wicked have access to the love and gifts of Christ if they will submit to Him.

I don't know if I am being able to portray my thoughts about Abinadi and these scriptures, but I was so struck by Abinadi's testimony, his ability to explain the scriptures, and his ability to explain the Plan of Salvation.

The wicked priests knew the scriptures but Abinadi knows and loves and lives the scriptures and has a testimony of christ.

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