Monday, April 7, 2008

New First Presidency and new apostle

In General Conference yesterday, we were privilieged to sustain a new first presidency. Our prophet and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Thomas S. Monson. His first counselor is Henry B. Eyring and Second Counselor is Dieter F. Uchtdorf. We also sustained a new apostle. His name is D. Todd Christofferson. There was a wonderful spirit and I have faith and confidence that these men are called of God and will have His help as they are on the Lord's errand. They will be in my prayers.

Here is the list of the First Presidency and Apostles in order of seniority and their ages:

Thomas S. Monson,80, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and President of the Church.
Henry B. Eyring,74, First Counselor
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 67, Second Counselor

1. Thomas S. Monson, 80
Ordained Oct. 10, 1963
2. Boyd K. Packer, 83
Ordained April 6, 1970
3. L. Tom Perry, 85
Ordained April 11, 1974
4. Russell M. Nelson, 83
Ordained April 12, 1984
5. Dallin H. Oaks, 75
Ordained May 3, 1984
6. M. Russell Ballard, 79
Ordained Oct. 10, 1985
7. Joseph B. Wirthlin, 90
Ordained Oct. 9, 1986
8. Richard G. Scott, 79
Ordained Oct. 6, 1988
9. Robert D. Hales, 75
Ordained April 7. 1994
10. Jeffrey R. Holland, 67
Ordained June 23, 1994
11. Henry B. Eyring, 74
Ordained April 6, 1995
12. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 67
Ordained Oct. 7, 2004
13. David A. Bednar, 55
Ordained Oct. 7, 2004
14. Quentin L. Cook, 67
Ordained Oct. 11, 2007
15. D. Todd Christofferson, 63

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