One of my favorite movies is "It's a Wonderful Life". In my scripture study and conference talk reading, a scene in the movie keeps coming to my mind. It is talking about George Bailey's life. His brother, Harry, becomes a decorated war hero. George was not able to go fight because he had lost the hearing in one ear. (He did it by jumping into a frozen pond to save his brother's life, but that's another story!)
Anyway, instead of being a war hero like his brother, the narration says George stayed at home to fight the Battle of Bedford Falls. He collected rubber for the war effort and ran the black-out drills or something like that. Yes, a lot less glamorous, but just as necessary to the success of the war.
It makes me think about the conference talk by Pres. Henry B. Eyring called "Trust in God, Then Go and Do". He quotes the prophet, Alma, who says he wishes he could be an angel to declare repentance with a voice of thunder to the world. But he sins in his wish because he "ought to be content with the things the Lord has allotted him".
I also have been reading in Alma 48. This goes on and on about what a great leader Moroni (of Title of Liberty fame) was. He fulfilled an important assignment. Then it also adds the names of others that were "no less serviceable." They don't get the same write-up that Moroni did, but whether or not their names were listed in the Book of Mormon, what they did was just as important to the work of the Lord, though not as noticeable.
So, we need to find out what the Lord wants us to do and then go and do it. That is the most important thing any of us can do. We all have come to earth with different assignments and missions. We all ought to be content with the things the Lord has allotted to us. Sometimes we all need to just fight the Battle of Bedford falls!
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