In honor of Kevin's and my 34th anniversary today, I want to post an incident from the first week we were married.
Since neither Kevin or I could take much time off for a wedding when we got married in February, we had our honeymoon in Salt Lake City. We had a nice time and capped it off with doing an endowment session at the Salt Lake temple. As we were getting into the elevator at our hotel, Kevin asked me if I had my temple recommend. I knew I had it with me so I replied, "Do you have YOUR recommend?" and off we walked to the temple, where I found out that I did not have my recommend. We had to walk back all the way to the hotel, get my recommend and walk back.
What did I learn from this? Would it have killed me to just check for my recommend while I was at the hotel? Also, did I need to reply in such a huffy way? This happened 34 years ago and has helped me in similar situations. Does it hurt to take someone's suggestion?
This incident came back to my memory as I was studying about Noah and the ark. Noah was calling the people to repent. They didn't feel they needed to repent. They weren't willing to look inside themselves and see where they could change. They liked doing what they were doing and didn't want to take direction from anyone.
It reminds me of this quote from Sister Michelle D. Craig in October 2020 general conference:
As I pray for the Lord to open my eyes to see things I might not normally see, I often ask myself two questions and pay attention to the impressions that come: “What am I doing that I should stop doing?” and “What am I not doing that I should start doing?”
It reminds me of a meme/thought that I have seen on facebook. It is this: Be humble. You could be wrong. Also, it always is helpful to look inside and see if we have what we need.
I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the opportunity to learn, grow, repent, and try to do a little better each day.