Sunday, June 17, 2018

April 2018 General Conference Jeopardy

April 2018
General Conference Jeopardy

Sat am
1. President M. Russell Ballard said that if we have even a small amount of this, we can remove mountains of discouragement.  (What is faith?)

2.  In a story that Elder Brian K. Taylor told, the girl, Jen, said that this was the most important knowledge she possesses.  (What is that she is a child of God?)

3. This was the subject of Elder Larry J. Echohawk’s message.  (What is forgiveness?)

4. This is the prophet that died when Elder Gary E. Stevenson was 14 years old.  (Who is President David O. McKay?)

5.  In Elder Lynn G. Robbins’ message “Until Seventy Times Seven”, he said “amid a life full of stumbling blocks and imperfection, we all are grateful for” this.  (What are second chances?) 

6. Elder Neil L. Andersen said that “the prophet does not stand between you and the Savior. Rather, he stands beside you” and does this.  (What is points the way to the Savior?)

Sat pm

1. Elder Bednar used these two men as modern examples of meekness in following the prophet to read the Book of Mormon with more intent.  (Who are Pres. Russell M. Nelson and Elder Henry B. Eyring?)

2.  Elder Godoy’s mother sold this so that he could purchase surgical instruments to continue his education in dentistry.  (What is a bracelet given to her by her father?)

3.  Sister Bonnie Oscarson said that doing this can help youth who are struggling with issues of self-worth, anxiety, high levels of stress, and perhaps even
depression.  (What is showing concern for and service to others?)

4.  In Elder Wakolo’s message on ordinances, he says that casualness leads to this.  (What are casualties?)

5. This was Elder Durrant’s response when asked if reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish as a family might be why all his children spoke Spanish on their missions.  (What is “es posible”?)

6. These are the two brothers Elder Renlund spoke of in his message on family history.  (Who are Parley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt?)


1.  In “What Every Aaronic Priesthood Holder Needs to Know” Brother Holmes quoted Elder Renlund, who said that this is the purpose of the priesthood.  (What is “to provide God’s children access to the atoning power of Jesus Christ”?)

2.  This is what the significant restructuring of the Melchizedek Priesthood quorums was that Pres. Nelson announced in his introductory remarks.  (What is “in each ward, the high priests and the elders are now combined into one elder’s quorum?)

3.  In Elder Christofferson’s message on The Elder’s Quorum, he said that having one Melchizedek Priesthood quorum in a ward unifies the priesthood holders to do this.  (What is accomplish all aspects of the work of Salvation?)

4.  Elder Rasband added his witness to Elder Christofferson and his other brethren of the 12 that the changes that evening were this.  (What is the will of the Lord?)

5.  In “Inspired Ministering” these are the last names of the 4 great grandparents of Pres. Eyring’s that were with Joseph Smith in Nauvoo when he organized a way to care for the flood of  impoverished Saints that were coming into the city.  (Who are the Eyring’s, the Bennion’s, the Romney’s and the Smith’s?)

6.  Pres. Oaks said that men who hold the  Priesthood are not this.  (What is the Priesthood?)

7.  President Nelson wants each stake president and bishop to ensure that every priesthood holder in their stewardship understands how to do this.   (What is give a priesthood blessing?)

Sun am
1. In the message, Take the Holy Spirit as Your Guide, Elder Wilson said that this is no time to dust off the gift of the Holy Ghost and figure out how to use it.  (What is during a typhoon?)

2. Sister Reyna I. Aburto used this creature to help us understand how we can work together to make the world a better place.  (What is a monarch butterfly?)

3.  In his talk, Elder Massimo De Feo quoted Elder Holland, who said that this is the first great truth of all eternity.  (What is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind and strength?)

4. In Elder Claudio D. Zivic’s message on enduring to the end, he said we must strive to keep all the commandments of the Lord and pay close attention to these.  (What are those that are hardest for us to keep?)

5.  In “His Spirit to be with You”, Pres. Eyring said we can use this person as a guide on how to have and keep the Spirit with us.  (Who is the prophet, Joseph Smith?)

6. This is the number of hymns that Pres. Oaks referred to in his message “Small and Simple Things”.  (What is 2?  “How Great the Wisdom and the Love” and “Have I Done Any Good?”)

7. This is one thing that the Spirit has repeatedly impressed upon President Nelson’s mind since becoming president of the church.  (What is how willing the Lord is to reveal His mind and will?)

Sun pm

1.  Elder Gerrit W. Gong pledged this to the Savior.  (What is all the energies and faculties of his soul?)

2.  This is the miracle that occurred when Elder Ulisses Soares was called as a mission president.  (What is his visa was granted earlier than it should have been?)

3.  In President Nelson’s short message on Ministering, he announced the retirement of this.  (What is home and visiting teaching as we have known them?)

4.  In Elder Holland’s message, he said that when the Savior was leaving his somewhat-confused little band of followers, He didn’t list a dozen administrative steps.  He summarized their task in this fundamental commandment.  ( What is “Love one another; as I have loved you. … By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”?)

5.  In Sister Jean B. Bingham’s message on ministering, she said, “No matter our age, when we consider how to minister most effectively” we ask this question.  (What is what does she or he need?)

6.  Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said that this day was the most important day in the history of mankind.  (What is the day Jesus Christ won victory over death and sin for all of God’s children?)

7.  Bishop Gerald Causse said that the strength and vitality of the church comes from this.  (What is the daily actions of millions of His disciples who strive each day to follow His example by caring for others?)

8. In Quentin L. Cook’s message called “Prepare to Meet God”, he said these 3 keys were restored to the earth on April 3, 1836 in the Kirtland temple.  (What are:  1. The Gathering of Israel 2. The dispensation of the Gospel of Abraham and 3. The sealing power?)

9.  In “Let Us All Press On”, President Nelson said that this general conference marks the beginning of a new era of this.  (What is ministering?)